Friday, March 12, 2010

Tis the season!

So this years rugby season offically kicks off tomorrow. I can't wait im so excited!! I'm sure someone out there is thinking, "Holy cow turds!! this guy is friggin crazy!! why does he want to go out to a big field full of polynesians and get the living crap beaten out of him over and over again?" well the answer to that is this: "because my whole team does it too. you can't enjoy getting beaten to a bloody pulp unless you enjoy it with your fellow teenagers who also delight in such a pass time :). but if anybody is interested, guys or gals, send me a message or txt me or something, no matter how old you are, and ill hook you up. even if you only wanna watch. It's an excellently refined and skill-requiring game thats intense. so intense, you might just wet yourself on the sidelines. so come watch us make fools of ourselves. :)