Sunday, November 30, 2008

25 days till christmas!!

Yay!!! Vientecinco dias hasta Navidad! (for all of you nonbiligual pupils, 25 days until christmas!) so, I made a christmas list.

Ok. So I really don't know what to ask for this year. I wanted an itouch, but I just bought one.My mom keeps getting frustrated with me because I won't give her an answer. I just am very content right now. (Well, as content as adults. there are many things I would love to have ig. An enduro motorcycle, a lamborgini Embalago, a girlfriend. But I realize that, as the prophets say, this shall not come to pass, lest I smite ye with a curse. And, if all of these things happened, life would be fair, and lets face it, is that gonna happen?)So as far as Gifts are concerned (If I get any) I can't get any of the presents that I REALLY WANT this year.

so here is a more realistic list. (Please feel free to give me multiples of each thing on this list.)

1. Gummi Frogs- Haribro 5 lbs bag
2.Moolah/Dinero/Bank/Green/Benjamins/Clams/Smackers/Greenbacks/Loot/Dough/Cold Hard Cash- Gotta save for a mission, a house, School, my motor vehicles, kids, retirement...
3. Powerade, either mix or bottled
4. Itunes gift card- got apps?
5. mint chocolate chip cookies
6. Coldstones Ice Cream
7. some computer game


kellieanne said...

You want a girl friend? For real?

Thanks for giving me some ideas. I appreciate you are so content, but I would like to get you something anyway.

tammy said...

What if I got you a bag of Haribo gummy girlfriends?

Camcorder said...

tammy.. YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!!
when i write my auto biography when i'm a real real old fart, you and my mom will be in every chapter!